Dr. Foose loved serving as Director of the Anxiety Disorders Treatment Program at UCSF (where she continues to teach about fear and anxiety in the School of Medicine.)  When she decided to build a psychiatry practice closer to home, she wanted to bring that specialty focus to her own community.   Anxiety and fear are protective emotions, adapted to enhance our physical and mental readiness and prepare us for future threats.  So how do such helpful (albeit uncomfortable) emotions come to cause us so much distress and impairment?  Dr. Foose has spent the last 15 years of her career building the answer to that question.  

Speaking events, Podcasts, Press:

Publications :

  • Encyclopedia of Neurological Sciences: Chapter: Anxiety Disorders (2014) Academic Press

  • San Francisco Chronicle (2013) Health Columnist: "Positive Traits Seen in Anxiety Disorders"

  • UCTV: (2012) Speaker: "Sport Suspension on Life's Bumpy Road"

  • Social Anxiety Disorder and Alcohol Use Disorder (2010) Psychological Medicine. June 2010; 40(6): 977-88.

education and experience:

University of California San Francisco, UCSF Weill Institute of Neurosciences:  

Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons:

  • Residency Training (2008)

  • Medical School (2004)

    • Columbia University B.A. Liskin Award in Psychiatry


  • American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Board Certification & Licensed by Medical Board of California.